Is this your defining leadership moment?

In my recent discussions with senior executives and clients in my network, many have openly shared how they are feeling at this unprecedented time. They describe being stressed and overwhelmed. Many are under intense pressure. Others tell me they are struggling to deal with the uncertainty and ambiguity we all face. A few have admitted they doubt whether they have what it will take to lead at this time.

All these reactions are entirely understandable. However, this is not the first set of conversations I have had with leaders about leading in the face of adversity. I have also written a lot about my belief that being a leader has never been easy – it is a tough role to do well, and it comes with much hard work. But now, leadership has become even more challenging than anyone of us could ever have had imagined. I suspect this is true not only of this moment in time, but also as we try to figure out how to lead our companies and lives in a post-COVID world.

All leaders today will need a healthy dose of resilience to be successful. But I do not believe resilience alone will be enough. The adversity we face will also require us to demonstrate real resolve. I have also learned that adversity defines a leader, this means that the time we are facing right now can be a defining leadership moment for you. How you step up and lead yourself and your team at this critical time will define you as a leader. Have you considered this time as your defining moment?

My new eBook entitled: Adversity – How to Strengthen Resilience and Resolve at This Defining Moment, explores these ideas and provides practical strategies for leaders at all levels.

You can download here.

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© 2020 Dr. Vince Molinaro (Leadership Contract Inc.)


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